Calaveras County Farm Bureau
"Protecting California Family Farms and Ranches"
About Farm Bureau
The California Farm Bureau Federation is a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary membership California corporation whose purpose is to protect and prom ote agricultural intersts throughout the state of California and to find solutions to the problems of the farm, the farm home and the rural community. Farm Bureau is California's largest farm organization, comprised of 53 county Farm Bureaus currently representing more than 57,000 agricultural, associate and collegiate members in 56 counties. Farm Bureau strives to protect and improve the ability of farmers and ranchers engaged in production agriculture to provide a reliable supply of food and fiber through responsible stewardship of California's resources.
Farm Bureau is organized on a county, state and national basis-in that order. The county Farm Bureau is the nucleus of the organization. It is here that members join by payment of nominal annual dues which entitles them to the wide range of services and benefits of membership.
The policies and programs of Farm Bureau are developed from grassroots recommendations originating at the community and county Farm Bureau levels. From these recommendations, tentative policy resolutions are prepared and submitted to the CFBF House of Delegates for action at its annual meeting each December.
The House of Delegates is made up of representatives elected by members of the county Farm Bureaus. Resolutions on state matters become CFBF policy. Matters of national interest are forwarded to the American Farm Bureau Federation for consideration. The CFBF Board of Directors determines a program of activities based on action of the House of Delegates. That program is administered by CFBF officers and staff.
Article courtesy of the California Farm Bureau Federation